Frequently asked questions

Do you still have any reservations about TutorArmee being your ideal online tutoring partner? Why should you join our tuition family online, you ask? The most frequent queries our tutors ask are addressed in the following list.


What does TutorArmee mean for learners?

Just how do I sign up?

Can you assist me with my exam or quiz?

What can I do to make sure the solutions I get are accurate?

What significance do references have?

What is the cost of TutorArmee's question and answer service?

Is it possible to submit many questions at once?

How soon can I receive the answers to the questions I've uploaded?

How can I get in touch with TutorArmee customer support?

Is it permissible to use TutorArmee for study assistance?

What is the cost breakdown for TutorArmee students?

What if I require two or more unique copies of the identical questions I submitted?

Can I access and evaluate past work?

When an answer is incorrect, may I raise a query?

How should I proceed if my question's subject is not on the list?

I forgot my password, so what can I do to reset it?

How do I modify the settings for my account?

How do I modify my username, email and password?

Exactly how can I set up an account?

My account needs to be deleted.

Is my identification visible to anyone?