Refund Calculation: If a customer decides to discontinue our service after making a payment, the refund amount will depend on the amount of work completed until that point. The refund amount will be the payment price minus the price for the work that has been done. The specific details regarding the work done and its corresponding price will be provided along with the refund amount.
Unsatisfactory Services: If a customer feels that our services are not satisfactory, they can initiate a refund. However, to proceed with the refund, there needs to be an agreement between the website administrator and the user. If an agreement cannot be reached, no refund will be provided. Once a refund is initiated and an agreement is reached, we will check the delivered work for its accuracy and plagiarism, and then consult our subject's expert to determine the price of the refund. After checking the work, the amount decided by the experts will be refunded to the customer.
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